The Vision of Dacre Braithwaite Church of England Primary School can be summed up in 8 words – ‘That they may have life to the full’. 

In school, we completely embrace this idea that whatever we are doing, however we are learning, we aim to do it to the best of our abilities, and we stress that everyone is good at something. We actively encourage the children to think about their actions and how they are 'living life to the full' in their everyday lives. 

This is our aspiration, inspired by the words of Jesus and the Christian faith, for all who come into contact with our school – the children, their families, our staff and our local community. 

We hope that our website gives you an overview of our school. We look forward to hearing from you.

Mrs Jo Dobbs (Headteacher)


Dacre Braithwaite serves children from the school year in which they are 5 years old, up to age 11. The school has a pupil roll of approximately 80 children, organised currently into three classes.
As a Church school, we have close links with a number of local churches and we aim to reflect Christian values in the everyday life of the school. For more information about the school and what we have to offer, please take a few minutes to explore our website and get in touch if you have any questions - we'd be only too happy to help. Thank you. 


Date Event TIme
16th Class 1 Parents Information Afternoon 15:30 - 16:30
17th Class 3 Parents Information Afternoon 15:30 - 16:30
18th Class 2 Parents Information Afternoon 15:30 - 16:30
24th Phonics Information Afternoon 15:30 – 16:30
3rd School Photos (individual and with siblings) 09:00 – 10:30
11th Class 3 Harvest Assembly 09:00 – 09:30
17th Eco Theme Day All Day
21st Parents Evenings 15:30 – 18:30
22nd Parents Evenings 15:30 – 18:30
25th School Closes for half term 15:30
4th School Opens 08:40
8th Remembrance Service 09:00 – 09:30
15th Children In Need Day (Wear Spots or Stripes) All Day
28th Advent Theme Day All Day
12th Whole School Nativity 14:15 – 15:00
13th Whole School Nativity 09:00 – 09:45
16th Class 1 Christmas Party 13:00 – 15:10
17th Class 3 Christmas Party 13:00 – 15:10
18th Class 2 Christmas Party 13:00 – 15:10
19th Christmas Lunch 12:00 – 13:00
20th School Closes for Christmas
8th School Opens for the Spring Term


                The purpose of the Church, and by extension part of the purpose of a Church school, is to continue the work of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit at work in us. The work of reconciliation with God and opening the way to life to the full, in accordance with the wisdom and purpose of God in creation. Our links with the local parish churches in the parish of Dacre with Hartwith & Darley with Thornthwaite and other churches (local or otherwise) of differing denominations are therefore important.
Should you require paper copies of any of the documents, large print, Braille or a different language - please just contact us at the office. Thank you. 


Founded in 1778 by a local landowner to provide for the religious education of local farm children, Dacre Braithwaite School is a Church of England Voluntary Aided School for children aged between 4 and 11 years.  

The school building is uniquely located in beautiful moorland surroundings, four miles from Pateley Bridge, and it is housed in the original two hundred-year-old building, refurbished, remodelled and extended to meet the needs of all our pupils. Well-equipped play areas, a large field, a woodland and wildlife garden, together with a play cabin, are all enclosed within the school grounds. 


“Moving to Dacre Braithwaite was the best decision of my life” Year 5 pupil

"As we drove to school this morning we said how brave the staff must be, as whatever the weather, they stand outside to greet every child (by name) in a morning and see that everyone is delivered inside safely! It’s lovely that the school is of a size where the teachers know every child’s name.
We feel very lucky to have found such a fantastic school for our child to attend. The beautiful setting is the icing on top of the cake!" Parent of EYFS child

I’m the local vicar and a governor at Dacre Braithwaite, so, obviously, I might be a bit biased about our Church school, but I think that is for good reason! When I was interviewed for the post of vicar here, a visit to the school (and a grilling by some of the children!) was an important part of the process and, once we had found the school in its beautiful location, I was greatly impressed. I hadn’t just assumed I would send our boys to the Church school, having opted for the closest (a non-church) school in my previous parish, but on visiting Dacre Braithwaite it felt like such a happy place and with a solid faith ethos, I was sold straight away. And we haven’t regretted it for a moment. Our boys have been very happy here (and one still is!). Couldn’t recommend it more highly! Parent of Y5 child

"My child tells me that children don’t misbehave and this is because they are happy at school.
As parents we have seen our daughter grow in confidence and be willing to try new things and has continued to build resilience, she’s thriving.
In particular we have noticed how every child counts. the staff compliment each other so well bringing different strengths to our daughters teaching. All members of staff are so approachable and what you read on the website about this school is lived every day through great leadership.
We are grateful for this and all the extra time given to choir and trips." Parent of Y5 child


Every parent loves to see his or her children happy. So do we!
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