Keeping our children safe is of paramount importance at Dacre Braithwaite CE Primary School.

​Our Senior Designated Leader for Child Protection is ​Mrs Jo Dobbs (Headteacher).   

If it is not possible to make contact with Mrs Dobbs, our Deputy Senior Designated Leader for Child Protection is Mr Greg Jones. Mr Jones is our Y5/6 teacher and should be contacted when Mrs Dobbs is not available.

If your concerns cannot be directed to either member of school staff named above, please contact our Safeguarding Governor, Mrs Tracey Grayshon via the school office by calling (01423) 780285.

The school's Child Protection and related policies can be found in the Policies section of the Key School Information (or click here).

Information on e-safety for pupils and parents can be found by clicking here.

To download the LDLT Trust Annual Safeguarding Plan

and the Dacre Braithwaite Annual Safeguarding Plan, please click on the images above and below.

If you have a concern about the welfare of a pupil at Dacre Braithwaite CE Primary School and would like to speak to one of the named people listed on this page, please either call the school office on (01423) 780285 or, outside of school term-time/ the school day, make a request for someone to make contact with you by completing a contact form here. Please include your full name and method of contact, ideally a telephone number. (Please do not detail your concern or name individual children on this contact form).

Please click on the images below to find support for a range of safeguarding topics

Click the Image above for links to the NYSCP Parents Guidance on Private Tutors, Coaches and Clubs

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